A migraine is a neurological disease with extremely incapacitating neurological symptoms that can last for an hour, a day, or several days. The primary symptom is extreme pain in a focused area of the head, but there is a myriad of symptoms that people experience, including but not limited to the following:
- A throbbing or pulsing sensation
- Nausea / vomiting - Pain in the ears
- Vision disruption known as auras
- Neck and shoulder tension
- Extreme sensitivity to light and sound
It is important to note that migraines and headaches are not the same. With a headache, the muscles between a person's head and neck contract, causing tightness or a squeezing sensation around the head. Conversely, a migraine is a very distinct, intense pain, typically a severe throbbing pain with a potentially debilitating condition for the duration of the migraine; migraines are identified mostly with light and sound sensitivity, as well as nausea. An untreated TMJ disorder can be a trigger for migraines.